
  Main Street Lakewood Ranch - Contractors Jan 2020

Click for a list of contractors that were recommended by someone in Waterfront. That does not mean that their work for you will be good for you.

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Ray Flooring recommended by Sean 941 524 9622

Handyman Rick Culpepper 941 544 7425
Rec by Beatrice Gardner - Did work for us Oct fast and good

Handyman Jeff's At Home Services - Jeff Bernius 941 954 1093

Donna Jackle House Cleaning Maid 941 350 9507

Electrical John worked on Waterfront Fans 941 348 9389

Electrical Anthony Tony Moran Modern electric 941 928 2033

Del-Air Heating and Air Cond 844 574 4578 Ext 1140 Barbara

Arctic Air for our A/C maintenance. They are a local company and have servicemen who service just the Lakewood Ranch Community so response time is minimized. Their telephone number is 941-747-8800 email is

Jimbo Painter - painted Waterfront Interiros 941-587-2886

Pest Contol - Craig Scott Casco 941 735 3437

Lock Service 941 953 3773 / 1342 N Lime Sarasota Lock and Key Shop

Florida Light & Power Electric 877 968 7375

(941) 877-5398

Sean McFadden Construction Supervisor 941-587-3229

Shelly Waterfront Homeowners 407 747 9262

Cleaning crew - David and his nephew Elijah

Bob - Maintenance Man 

Kathy Destafano Liberty tax 941 355 8184


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